Management Team

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Viridis is committed to a humane and stimulating work environment. It seeks out major challenges for people who thrive on them. The team’s range of expertise gives clients access to the services needed to ensure the success of their undertaking. The team members include project managers, agronomists, engineers, biologists and agricultural technicians.

Michel St-Germain, dta : Chief executive officer (CEO) & funder, Viridis environnement
Michel St-Germain, dta
Chief executive officer (CEO) & funder, Viridis environnement
Michel St-Germain has a diploma in farm management and operation, and is the owner of Ferme St-Germain et fils, a business specializing in the production of field crops, located in Centre-du-Québec. He has been involved in the agricultural recycling of fertilizing residual materials (FRMs) since the start of his professional career 20 years ago. Over the years, he has hired and trained dozens of professionals in the specific features of that sector. As a growth agent at Viridis Environnement, along with his associates, he has taken part in the acquisitions of several competing FRM recycling firms. He currently leads a multi-disciplinary team of agronomists, biologists, engineers and technicians specializing in fertilization, agri-environment and project management. His team annually recycles close to 700,000 metric tonnes of various residual materials, and files close to 500 project notices and applications for ministerial approvals with Quebec’s ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques. He is also involved in various environmental projects such as the Viridis Green Fund, which supports sustainable development initiatives.
Simon Naylor, agr., M.SC : Chief executive officer (CEO) & funder | Keridis Bioenergy & CRTMO
Simon Naylor, agr., M.SC
Chief executive officer (CEO) & funder | Keridis Bioenergy & CRTMO
Simon Naylor is an agronomist with a Master of Science in biology, who has been working in the areas of agriculture and the environment for more than 20 years. His entrepreneurial spirit soon led him to acquire his own horticultural business, which he later sold to younger operators. He has applied his negotiating and management skills to the development of numerous waste recycling projects. A strong communicator, he is regularly called upon to serve as a presenter, panelist or facilitator at conferences on the environment. He is currently serving on the boards of directors of Conseil des entreprises en technologies environnementales du Québec (CETEQ) and Réseau Environnement, where he was elected Vice-President for the waste and recyling sector. He also served on the board of Écotech Québec, a business cluster for the development of green technologies. Committed to passing on his knowledge, he mentors entrepreneurs for 2 degrés, an incubator for businesses in the environmental and clean energy sectors, and for Cycle Momentum, an accelerator and innovation platform.
Julie Belzile, agr. : Senior Director, Operations | Non-agricultural source materials (NASM), Viridis environnement
Julie Belzile, agr.
Senior Director, Operations | Non-agricultural source materials (NASM), Viridis environnement
Julie has over 10 years of experience as an agri-environmental consultant and recycling project manager for MRF. With extensive field experience in analyzing and diagnosing production problems, she leads a team that recycles approximately 175,000 tonnes of FRM annually from nearly 300 agricultural customers.
Sophie St‐Louis, agr., M.Sc. : Senior Director, Agronomy services | Non-agricultural source materials (NASM), Viridis environnement
Sophie St‐Louis, agr., M.Sc.
Senior Director, Agronomy services | Non-agricultural source materials (NASM), Viridis environnement
Sophie has over 15 years of experience in project management and regulatory and professional compliance, of which a dozen are directly related to the management of MRF. At Viridis, she provides the operations and business development teams with regulatory support at the provincial and federal levels and ensures the development and deployment of management tools for MRF's agricultural recycling projects.
François Léveillée : Senior Director of Technological Development Manager | Viridis environnement
François Léveillée
Senior Director of Technological Development Manager | Viridis environnement
François has extensive experience in representing the agri-food and agriculture sector at the provincial level through the development of partnerships and innovation technology transfer. At Viridis, he is responsible for the development and marketing of an innovative technology for the extraction and treatment of organic materials found in household garbage.
Sébastien Hue, M.Sc : Senior Director of Innovation & Development | Viridis environnement
Sébastien Hue, M.Sc
Senior Director of Innovation & Development | Viridis environnement
For more than 20 years, Sébastien has designed and managed projects related to the treatment and recycling of MRF. At Viridis, he brings to bear his expertise in the rehabilitation of degraded sites, in the fertilization of forest plots, in composting, in wetland management, in wastewater treatment, in air quality management and in problem solving. industrial environment.
Gilles Lemaire, dta : Senior Director of Transport & Dredging services| Viridis environnement
Gilles Lemaire, dta
Senior Director of Transport & Dredging services| Viridis environnement
A graduate of the ITA in St-Hyacinthe, Gilles has an impressive track record, particularly in transport logistics, market development for aggregates and liming products, BNQ certification and in operation and optimization of agricultural machinery, among others. At Viridis, he combines his experience with his creativity to ensure the development of innovative products and markets.
Richard St‐Amand : Corporate Director, Financial & Administrative | Viridis environnement
Richard St‐Amand
Corporate Director, Financial & Administrative | Viridis environnement
With a background in accounting, administration and IT, Richard supervises the accounting team and is responsible for planning the Viridis IT department . He is involved in the financial and administrative decision-making of the company and maintains control over all its accounting, financial, and tax-related aspects.
Marie-Josée Beaulieu, CRIA : Corporate Director, Human Resources | Viridis environnement
Marie-Josée Beaulieu, CRIA
Corporate Director, Human Resources | Viridis environnement
With a bachelor's degree in industrial relations, Marie-Josée has over twenty-five years' experience in human resources and operations management in a variety of industries. Since 2013, as a private consultant in industrial relations and management, she has led various projects for small and medium-sized businesses. She also acts as an expert resource on various management committees. At Viridis since 2017, she is a member of the executive committee and has been one of the driving forces behind the company's growth. Mandated by the Board of Directors, she notably contributed to the implementation of a succession plan for general management and participated in the training of the current management team.